Highly talented candidates are inviting to apply for the Engineering for Development (E4D) Doctoral programme funded by the Sawiris Foundation for Social Development and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.
ETH Zurich will award two doctoral scholarships per year and promotes innovative projects that are directly relevant for improving the livelihoods of underprivileged people in low-income countries.
Offered Benefits
The funding program will provide the award amount CHF 175’000 for a period of three years. The scholarship period can be extended on a no-cost extension. Out of the program grant, CHF 166’800 is reserved to cover the salary of the E4D Fellow for three years (level of employment: 100%, incl. social security), CHF 8’200 for material costs and/or travels. Employment after the granted time period must be financed by other sources.
The doctoral salary must be on the level of the ETH standard doctoral salary4. Adjustments of the salary scale might be made in adherence to the general ETH Domain remuneration policy as defined by the ETH Board. Any extra costs associated with salary scale increases affected during the funding period must be borne by the host professorship.