DUO-Singapore Fellowship Program: for students from Singapore

The Award, based on merit, is for pairs of exchanges between a university in Singapore and its respective partner university in Europe in any academic field. Full-time NUS undergraduate students from Singapore and ASEAN** members states going to European universities on the student exchange programme (SEP), and undergraduate students from partner universities in Europe coming to NUS on exchange, are eligible to apply for the DUO.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Singaporean students in NTU, NUS and SMU.
  • Students from other ASEAN countries that are members of ASEM (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Laos, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam) studying in NTU, NUS and SMU and who are not prevented by terms of their scholarship from going on exchange programmes.
  • Students from European ASEM countries who come from universities in European ASEM countries which have tuition fee waiver arrangements with NTU, NUS and SMU
  • Students have to be on full-time undergraduate or postgraduate course.

Offered Benefits

Each selected undergraduate student will be awarded € 4,000 for one semester or one year of exchange. This will partially subsidise the cost of airfare, accommodation, living expenses, etc. This award carries no obligatory bond period.

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