Drummond Law Firm Scholarship

  •  Bachelor, Master, Phd
  •  15-Aug-2018
  •   United States
  • $$  $1,000

The Drummond Law Firm Scholarship is awarded in August of each year, the scholarship funds can be used toward tuition or books.Award Amount: $1,000 Scholarship

Eligibility Criteria


Must be 1 of the following:

A Nevada high-school student currently in a JROTC or Boy Scout Explorer program that has been accepted to and will be attending a post-high school institution in the United States

A student currently enrolled in a Nevada college and a member of their college’s ROTC program

A US Military Veteran that is currently enrolled in a Nevada post-high school institution or graduate school

Offered Benefits

Award Amount: $1,000 Scholarship

Application Process

How To Apply:

Fill out the application online.

Submit a 500+ word essay about why you want to or have served our country or how our Servicemembers who serve our country affect your daily living. Applications should be in English.

Essays should be written in English and typed in 12-point font. The scholarship winner’s essay may appear on our law firms blog.

Submit a recommendation letter from their instructor of JROTC, ROTC or a former military supervisor (if applicable).

Submit documentation of being enrolled in a post-high school institution (if applicable).

Any other documentation you would like to be considered (ex: awards, photographs, etc).

Applications must be completed by August 15th each year but applications are accepted year round.

Apply Here
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