Do-Over Scholarship

  •  Bachelor, Master, Phd
  •  30-Jun-2018
  •   United States
  • $$  $1,500 provided as a one-time award

The Do-Over Scholarship invites students to consider what they'd change, given the chance. What one mistake or action would you do differently this time? The most creative, entertaining, and generally well-written submission will be selected for a scholarship.

Eligibility Criteria

Must be a U.S. studentMust be 13 years of age or olderMust enroll in college or university by Fall 2024

Offered Benefits

Winning essays will be posted with attribution and the author will be provided with a $1,500 scholarship for higher education.

Application Process

To apply, students must submit an essay of up to 250 words describing what action or event they'd like a chance to "do over." Essays should explain why and how students would change that moment.

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