develoPPP Ventures 2024-2025 The Ideas Competition For Start-Ups

With develoPPP, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) promotes private-sector activities where entrepreneurial opportunities and development policy potential meet. Companies that want to invest sustainably in a developing and emerging country and expand their local operations can receive financial and technical support under the programme.  

Are you planning to train local experts or improve environmental and social standards in your supply chain? Do you have an innovative business idea that will improve living conditions in a developing or emerging country? Learn more now and become part of the develoPPP success story! 

Apply now for catalytic funding for your start-up

Suitable start-ups to be funded through develoPPP Ventures are selected during an open call for applications, which takes place several times a year for six weeks at the end of a quarter. A new call for applications will be announced on the website prior to the start of the application window and is open to all start-ups that meet the conditions for participation. Depending on the target country, the funding contract is concluded with one of the two implementing partners, DEG Impulse gGmbH or Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

Eligibility Criteria

Minimum requirements for develoPPP funding:

  • The company is registered in the target country OR plans to register there prior to the investment
  • The company is privately owned and profit-oriented
  • At least one annual financial statement is provided
  • A viable business plan and a financial plan is available
  • The company is operative and has generated first revenues from operating activities (Proof of Concept)
  • The company should not have acquired more than a maximum of EUR 2 million in funding to date

Offered Benefits

  • Non-dilutive capital of EUR 100,000, with a potential second-phase top-up for successful ventures.
  • The company must secure matching funds equal to the non-dilutive capital from other investors.
  • Funding is to be used in the target country where the company is registered.

Application Process

Go to develoPPP on to apply
Apply Here
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