DAAD Master Scholarships for Sub-Saharan Africa students Fleeing the War in Ukraine

DAAD Master Scholarships for Sub-Saharan Africa students Fleeing the War in Ukraine
  •  Master
  •  04-Jul-2022
  •   Africa, Germany
  • $$  Varies

The DAAD has launched a special programme for Sub-Saharan African students whose studies are interrupted due to the war against Ukraine to continue/complete their studies in their home country or region.

The Scholarship programme for Master students from Sub-Saharan Africa fleeing the war against Ukraine is a subprogramme of the In-Country/In-Region Scholarship programme. It is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and  Development and managed by the German Academic Exchange Service.

Programme Objectives

The goal of the programme is to provide Master scholarships to students who are nationals of a Sub-Saharan African country and whose Master studies are interrupted because of the war in Ukraine. Scholarship holders are given the opportunity to continue their academic career at a higher education institution in their home country or within their home region (in Sub-Saharan-Africa). 

The Scholarship Programme supports full-time higher education Master’s studies leading to a degree. Students may:

  1. either continue their Master studies in the original study field started in Ukraine, or
  2. if the original study field is not available, then in the Master programme that is the closest match for the original, or
  3. continue their studies in another Master’s programme of which they fulfil the admission requirements based on previous, recognised studies.

Medical programmes that generally last longer than 2 years are not eligible. Whereas medical related fields such as public health or nursery programmes that provide a distinction between master’s and bachelor’s degrees are eligible to be chosen within this scholarship programme.

Eligibility Criteria

  • started their Master studies in Ukraine, hence had a student status at a recognised Ukrainian higher education institution on 24 February 2022 and fled because of the war;
  • are nationals or permanent residents of a Sub-Saharan country;
  • have successfully completed generally a three-year university degree (e.g. a Bachelor’s  degree) with above average results (at least: Second Class/Lower Division or equivalent, if  applicable);
  • clearly show motivation and strong commitment;
  • have thorough knowledge of the language of instruction;
  • have generally completed their last university degree not more than 6 years ago at the time  of application.

Offered Benefits

The scholarship will be paid directly to the scholarship holder’s banking account. It includes the following payments


  • Funding is provided for the usual duration of a Master’s programme – generally, up to two  years – starting in September 2022.
  • Please note that the maximum duration of the scholarship is based on the time that is left until the scholarship holder has reached the regular period of studies in that programme; i.e., if  you apply for a scholarship starting in the second year of studies of a two-year programme, the  maximum duration of the scholarship will be one year. 
  • Scholarships are initially granted for one year and can be extended to a maximum of the  regular period of study upon receipt of an application for extension. Scholars must demonstrate satisfactory progress before an extension is granted.

Application Process

Download the  Call for Applications [pdf-file].

The link to the application portal will be published here very soon. Stay tuned.

Required Documents:

A complete application consists of the following documents

  • DAAD application form duly filled in (available in the DAAD-Portal)
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Letter of admission for the host university in Sub-Saharan Africa (This can be subsequently submitted before the scholarship begins if it is not available at the time of application. If so, a provisional letter of ad-mission or any communication with the host institution that proves the start of the admission process should be submitted.)
  • Bachelor’s degree certificate including the final grade
  • Transcripts for all semesters of the Bachelor's degree programme (if possible)
  • Motivation letter (DAAD form) [docx-file] explaining:
    • previous academic career (including a listing of universities and study programmes attended);
    • the programme choice and how it is matching with the Master's programme in Ukraine;
    • motivation for the application.
  • Proof of student status at a recognised higher education institution in Ukraine on 24 February 2022. (If the applicant has a Certificate of Student Status, this document should be uploaded. If the applicant does not have a Certificate of Student Status, any documents can be submitted that provide credible evidence of student status in Ukraine on 24 February 2022, such as the official documents or emails received from the Ukrainian university, in some cases the copy of the Ukrainian student card etc.)
  • Copy of the passport
  • Copy of the last visa certificate for the study stay in Ukraine
  • If a Master's programme is chosen that is not offered at a DAAD partner university under the In-Country/In-Region scholarship programme, the following documents should be submitted if possible: Accreditation certificate of the programme and/or course plan for the whole programme and/or semester plan etc.
Apply Here
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