Country-related cooperation programme with Columbia (COLFUTURO)

Graduates, scientists and academics or professionals receive grants to carry out research or complete a Master's or doctoral degree in Germany.

Duration of funding

  • a) at least 9 months
  • b) approx. 2 years
  • b) approx. 3-4 years

Grants are awarded for one year respectively. Applications must be submitted for an extension and these are reviewed by the DAAD selection committee.

Eligibility Criteria

Colombian graduates, postdocs, scientists and academics and professionals usually up to the age of 36

What is supported? Postdocs carry out
a) a research project at a German university or research institute
Graduates, scientists and academics or professionals complete a
b) Master's degree, or
c) doctoral studies at a German university

Offered Benefits

Co-funded by COLFUTURO and DAAD

  • If applicable, preparatory German course in Colombia (DAAD)

  • Intensive German course in Germany (up to 4 months for postdocs, up to 6 months for Master's students and doctoral candidates incl. accommodation and cost of living during this period (DAAD)

  • Costs of outward and return travel (COLFUTURO)

  • Monthly scholarship payments up to the maximum amount determined by COLFUTURO (COLFUTURO/DAAD)

  • Medical, accident and personal liability insurance, if applicable also for accompanying dependants (DAAD)

  • If applicable, cost of German language course for accompanying spouse (DAAD)

  • Costs of return travel in the 3rd or 4th year of funding for doctoral candidates (DAAD)

  • Contribution towards the costs of printing thesis (DAAD)

The contribution awarded by COLFUTURO is a scholarship credit which is paid back in full or in part. The maximum funding period for a COLFUTURO grant is 2 years for all three funding types. In the third and, if applicable, fourth year of funding, the doctoral candidate can apply for a monthly DAAD grant of 500 euros plus insurance. The remaining expenses must be paid for by the grant holder or another source of funding.

This is based upon the guidelines of the Colfuturo sponsorship programme "Créditos-Beca para estudios de Posgrado en el Exterior".

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