Mathematical modelling is an important tool in the field of infectious disease control. It includes formulating mathematical equations to explain how infectious diseases propagate through populations. Researchers can learn more about how diseases spread and how various preventative strategies may affect disease transmission by examining these models.
Malaria Modelling Fellowship (MMF) is an initiative to build the mathematical modelling capacity of public health professionals in Nigeria. The Fellowship will expose participants to a comprehensive curriculum that includes core modelling content, in-depth knowledge of malaria epidemiology including transmission dynamics, and adjunct modules crucial to enhancing their careers and equipping them with in-demand modelling competence. Funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), the Fellowship is a collaborative effort between Corona Management Systems (CMS), National Malaria Elimination Programme (NMEP), Nigeria Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (NCDC), and the World Health Organisation (WHO).
What type of courses is the fellowship offering?
The Fellowship is offering modules in Malaria & Epidemiology, Mathematical Modelling including the use of mathematical tools and programming language, and Project Management & Evidence Translation that will feature soft skills in scientific writing. Please view the curriculum here