Commonwealth 2024 Youth Ocean Hackathon Competition for Fellowship

  •  Fellowship
  •  31-Aug-2024
  •   Worldwide
  • $$  Varies

Welcome to the Commonwealth Youth Ocean Hackathon! This hackathon is an exciting initiative of the Commonwealth Blue Charter Ocean Youth Working Group. Leading up to the Ocean Symposium, this challenge aims to harness the creativity and innovation of youth across Commonwealth countries in addressing critical ocean-related challenges.

The Ocean Hackathon under the theme "Catalyzing Youth Solutions for our Ocean and Climate", invites young people from Commonwealth nations to submit their innovative ideas to solve pressing ocean issues. Participants can work individually or in teams to propose solutions in one or more of the following Commonwealth Blue Charter Action Groups:

  • Plastic Pollution Reduction: Track, collect, recycle, or reduce plastic waste in oceans and coastal areas.
  • Marine Conservation/Protected Areas: Monitor and protect marine habitats, endangered species, and biodiversity.
  • Ocean Observation and Acidification Monitoring: Promote ocean observation and mitigate the effects of ocean acidification on marine ecosystems. 
  • Sustainable Coastal Fisheries: Promote sustainable fishing, reduce bycatch, and minimize impacts on marine ecosystems. 
  • Ocean and Climate Change Resilience: Mitigate the impacts of climate change on oceans and coastal communities.
  • Ocean Education and Outreach: Develop educational tools to raise awareness about ocean conservation.
  • Blue Economy Solutions: Create business models that promote economic growth while conserving ocean resources.
  • Coral Reef Protection and Restoration: Monitor, protect and restore coral reefs in marine ecosystems.
  • Mangrove Ecosystems and Livelihoods: Develop mechanisms to protect mangroves and livelihoods. 
  • Sustainable Aquaculture: Promote sustainable aquaculture systems that promote economic growth while promoting the environment. 

Eligibility Criteria

The criteria to participate in the Ocean Hackathon: 

  • Open to young people aged 15 - 29 years old from Commonwealth countries. 
  • Submissions, by filling the  application form, can be from an individual or a team.  
  • A solution to at least one issue from the Commonwealth Blue Charter action areas must be developed. 
  • Must be a member of the Blue Charter Ocean Youth Working Group  

Offered Benefits

Important Notes:

  • Participants can choose to form teams or submit their entries individually.
  • Successful entries will be promoted across Commonwealth media and contribute to a policy recommendation document for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) and gain recognition at COP29 in Azerbaijan .

Application Process

Go to CommonWealth on to apply

Participants must submit either a video or a document detailing their chosen issue's relevance, current actions taken in their country, their proposed solution, implementation challenges, and needed resources. Submissions will be evaluated by a panel of judges, including experts from ocean and climate change fields.

Apply Here
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