The Columbia Global Emerging Scholars Fellowship Program provides opportunities for early-career scholars in the humanities and humanistic social sciences who hold refugee status or have been forcibly displaced. Through the program, year-long fellowships are awarded to support emerging displaced scholars through a Columbia Global Center, where they receive ongoing support to enhance their research capabilities, broaden their professional networks, and advance toward a successful career in academia.
Offered Benefits
Scholars receive the following:
- Hosting and work space at one of the Columbia Global Centers (Amman, Nairobi, or Santiago).
- A stipend.
- Dedicated mentorship from esteemed Columbia faculty.
- A small research/travel fund to support their scholarly endeavors.
- Training that meets their academic needs in areas such as academic writing.
- Access to a broad selection of online courses.
- Full integration into the vibrant life of one of the Columbia Global Centers.
- Inclusion in an alumni network.
Application Process
Go to University of Columbia ISHR on to apply
Required Documents:
- A curriculum vitae that includes academic credentials and professional experience
- A personal statement (500 words maximum) that describes the applicant’s motivation for applying to this program, intellectual trajectory and career goals, and the reason for and impact of displacement on the applicant’s career
- A proposal (600 words maximum) describing the applicant’s field of interest; a detailed plan that describes the academic work (by month or quarter) that will be undertaken during the 12-month fellowship; and the broader potential significance of the applicant’s work
- One writing sample/publication
- Letter of recommendation from an academic colleague who is familiar with the applicant’s previous work o Please note that this letter must be submitted by the recommender via the Submittable platform.
- Copies of academic transcripts