Co-Creation (CcHUB) Lets Build Africa Program 2024 For Africans Start-Up for Course

  •  Course
  •  30-Jun-2024
  •   Africa
  • $$  Varies

Today, we proudly launch Lets Build Africa Program which empowers startups for intra-African cross-border growth.

Program Components:

  • Call for Applications and Selection: Startups are invited to apply for the program with a focus on readiness for market expansion and innovative solutions adaptable to diverse markets.
  • Pitch Sessions: Selected startups will participate in pitch events to refine their business models and receive feedback.
  • Ecosystem Tours: Participating startups will undergo facilitated tours in key markets such as Nigeria, Kenya, Rwanda, and Namibia.
  • Product Showcases: Startups will showcase their products to a curated audience of collaborators, investors, and potential customers.
  • Market Linkages and Support: Over a six-month period, startups will receive ongoing support from CcHUB’s team of experts to build and strengthen market linkages.

Eligibility Criteria

  • The startup must be registered in an African country.
  • At least one of the founders must be an African national.
  • The startup should be at the scale up stage.

Offered Benefits

  • Be one of the 10 startups to pitch in front of key ecosystem players, and potential investors.
  • Travel, ecosystem tours, and one on one meetings with potential customers, collaborators, and investors
  • Benefit from six months of post trip support to strengthen linkages made during ecosystem tour / advisory services on the target market.
  • Experience tailored ecosystem tours in one of the focus countries: Nigeria, Kenya, Rwanda, or Namibia.
  • Access to Market Opportunity Packs (MOP) provides into the countries the innovators will visit.
  • Opportunity to showcase your products to a curated audience of collaborators, investors, and potential customers.

Application Process

Go to Co-Creation Hub(Cc-HUB ) on to apply
Apply Here
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