The CIMO Fellowships programme is open to young Doctoral level students and researchers from all countries and from all academic fields. Master's level studies or post-doctoral studies/research are not supported in the programme.
The prerequisite for applying is that the visiting researcher must have established contacts with a Finnish host university. You are also advised to visit the Finnish universities' own websites for info on Doctoral level study and research options.
If a Finnish university is willing to host you, then the Finnish university department wishing to host you can apply to CIMO for the grant on your behalf. In other words,only the hosting Finnish university can act as an "applicant" in the CIMO Fellowship programme.
The application form for the CIMO Fellowship can be downloaded below. Additionally, the following attachments are required for a CIMO Fellowship application:
A motivation letter from the applicant (the hosting university), max 1 page. Complete CV of the scholarship candidate. Research plan (2-5 pages).