CEA Semester/Trimester/Academic Year Scholarships

Looking for help on financing your study abroad program? Below you will find several unique scholarship opportunities available to CEA Global Education students. These scholarships are open to all CEA program participants who meet the eligibility requirements in order to aid you in subsidizing the cost of your study abroad program.

Multiple scholarships in each category will be awarded:

  • Academic Merit Scholarship
  • Financial Need Scholarship
  • Global Education Scholarship

Academic Affiliate Scholarships

As an added level of support to U.S. universities, CEA offers scholarships specially designated for our Academic Affiliates. Students who attend an Academic Affiliate school and apply for the Semester/Trimester/Academic Year Scholarships also will be considered for the Affiliate Scholarships of the same categories. Students only may be awarded one scholarship per term, but receive the larger of two scholarships if they qualify for more than one.

Eligibility Criteria

Students may only apply to one Semester/Trimester/Academic Year Scholarship, but may also apply to the Financial Need Scholarship if they wish (only one scholarship will be awarded per student, per term). The total number of scholarships awarded each term will depend on the quality and quantity of applications. To receive full consideration, the following must be submitted:

  • An original 400-500 word essay

Candidates must properly cite the source for any quote or paraphrase used in their essay. Essays with any evidence of plagiarism will cause the candidate to be disqualified from receiving a scholarship. Candidates will be evaluated on their letter of recommendation, and the overall creativity, quality and structure of their essay.

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  • Global Career Scholarship**(New!)**

  • Cumulative GPA requirement: 3.0

  • Reflect on the quote below, and describe your career goals and how the skills and attributes you hope to gain while studying abroad will support you in your professional endeavors.

  • Quote: "All major hiring companies need global citizens. Global Sensitivities, global perspective, global insight; along with maturity and a capacity for risk-taking, are exactly the skills every major organization is looking for – in every industry." - Kevin Gill, Global Director of Staffing for Honeywell

  • The two downloadable forms at the top of this page.

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  • Diversity Scholarship

  • Cumulative GPA requirement: 2.5

  • Reflect on the quote below, and describe how your experience with diversity has prepared you for your study abroad experience:

  • Quote: "Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all peoples cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends." - Maya Angelou

  • The two downloadable forms at the top of this page.

  • Academic Merit Scholarship

  • Cumulative GPA requirement: 3.7

  • Reflect on the quote below, and describe what you look forward to 'learning, unlearning, and relearning' and how you will accomplish your learning/unlearning goals during your study abroad experience:

  • Quote: "The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn." - Alvin Toffler

  • The two downloadable forms at the top of this page.

  • Global Education Scholarship

  • Cumulative GPA requirement: 2.5

  • Reflect on the quote below, and describe why it is important to you to gain 'a new way of seeing things' and how you will go about this during your study abroad experience:

  • Quote: "One's destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things." - Henry Miller

  • The two downloadable forms at the top of this page.

Offered Benefits

Scholarships will be awarded in amounts ranging from $1,000 to $1,500 each; amounts vary depending on the Affiliate status of each award. Additionally, the highest scoring candidate in each Non-Affiliate and Affiliate category will be recognized for their exemplary work with a scholarship awarded with Distinction. Amounts for scholarships awarded with Distinction will range from $2,000 to $3,000.

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