Carnegie Cameron Post-Graduate (Taught) Bursaries

Carnegie-Cameron Postgraduate Bursaries are awarded for the payment of tuition fees for one-year postgraduate Masters courses (or two consecutive years if taken part-time) offered by a Scottish university.

The bursaries aim to enable students to enhance their employability in their chosen field, develop their specialist skills or supplement existing ones, thus bettering their career prospects.

The following types of PG Programmes are excluded: programmes leading to a Postgraduate Diploma or Certificate; full-time two year Masters (and their part-time equivalents), one year MPhil degrees as well as any other Masters degree undertaken solely by research.

Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility and selection criteria for applicants

  1. To be eligible, applicants must
    1. be of Scottish birth OR
    2. be of Scottish extraction (have at least one parent born in Scotland) OR
    3. have been resident in Scotland for a period of at least three years for the purpose of secondary or tertiary education
  2. Candidates will be selected on the basis of their merit and promise, and of their financial circumstances.
  3. The most important selection criteria should be those envisaged by Andrew Carnegie: that the candidates be qualified and deserving, industrious and ambitious, and that they would derive particular benefit from a one-year taught postgraduate degree, which they would be unlikely to attend without the award.

Eligibility criteria for taught Masters

  1. Bursaries must support taught postgraduate Masters that will enhance students’ employability in their chosen field, develop their specialist skills, or supplement existing ones, thus bettering their career prospects. The Bursaries should not be considered as a stepping stone for further study at PhD level and preference will be given to candidates with a clear career plan outside academia.
  2. One-year taught postgraduate courses may be attended on a part-time basis over two consecutive years.
  3. Bursaries that have been allocated to a university, but not awarded to any student, will be cancelled, unless the university can award the bursaries to students starting later in the academic year (January for example).
  4. Bursaries
    1. can only be awarded before students start the course
    2. are not intended for courses awarding a certificate or a diploma
  5. Should a student withdraw from the Masters programme during the academic year, any resulting balance or reimbursement due on fees must be repaid by the university to the Carnegie Trust.

Offered Benefits

Carnegie-Cameron Taught Postgraduate Bursaries are awarded for the payment of tuition fees for one-year taught postgraduate Masters or for two years if studying part-time.

The maximum value of a Bursary for 2015-16 will be £4,000. If the course fees are under £4,000 the Trust will pay the lower fee amount.

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