Call for applications: UNESCO 2025 AfriMAB GRÓ LRT Land Restoration Fellowships

  •  Fellowship
  •  30-Sep-2024
  •   Iceland
  • $$  Varies

Applications for fellowships to the  GRÓ Land Restoration Training Programme (GRÓ LRT) are open for 2 (two) fellows from African biosphere reserves engaged in restoration activities. The programme offers annual six-month training in Iceland focused on land restoration and sustainable land management, hosted at the Agricultural University of Iceland. 

Ecosystem restoration served as the overarching theme of the 7th General Assembly of African Biosphere Reserves Network (AfriMAB) last year, reflecting its critical importance across the region at the outset of the  UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030). As the  Man and the Biosphere programme approaches the 5th World Congress of Biosphere Reserves – to be held in Hangzhou, China, in September 2025 – restoration stands to be a crucial element in the programme’s new Strategy and Action Plan. It has the potential to help end poverty, combat climate change and prevent the loss of critical biodiversity. 

The first 12 weeks of the training focus on course work (both introductory courses and specialized training), practical training and field trips. In the latter 12 weeks of the programme, each Fellow works on an individual project, which provides specialization with reference to the academic and practical background and needs of the individual Fellow and their workplace. Fellows completing the training successfully receive a Postgraduate Diploma in Ecosystem Restoration and Sustainable Land Management (30 ECTS) from the Agricultural University of Iceland. 

Agricultural University of Iceland Information

Agricultural University of Iceland Grants

Call for applications: UNESCO 2025 AfriMAB GRÓ LRT Land Restoration Fellowships Founded in 2005, Agricultural University of Iceland is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the rural setting of the village of Borgarnes (population range of under 2,500 inhabitants), Western Region. Officially accredited and/or recognized by the Mennta- og menningarmálaráðuneytið (Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Iceland), Agricultural University of Iceland (LbhÍ) is a very small (uniRank enrollment range: under-250 students) coeducational higher education institution. Agricultural University of Iceland (LbhÍ) offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized higher education degrees in several areas of study. See the uniRank degree levels and areas of study matrix below for further details. This 14 years old higher-education institution has a selective admission policy based on students' past academic record and grades. The admission rate range is 80-90% making this Icelandic higher education organization a least selective institution. International students are welcome to apply for enrollment.

Eligibility Criteria

When awarding a fellowship to candidate(s) from a partner institution, GRÓ LRT has in return put forward the following conditions: 

To the candidate’s institution: 

  • Its candidate(s) gets a full study leave for the period of six months to attend the training in Iceland;  
  • Its candidate(s) holds his/her salary and benefits back home while attending the training in Iceland; 
  • Its candidate(s) takes up his/her position at the partner institution when returning from the training in Iceland. 

Offered Benefits

  • The GRÓ LRT Fellowship covers
  • Tuition and other academic expenses for the fellows,
  • Travel and health insurance costs,
  • Stipend that covers all their living expenses during the six months stay in Iceland.?

The next training will start in the beginning of March 2025. 

Application Process

This call is for applications from candidates to the next year’s GRÓ LRT training, starting in early March 2025.  

To apply, interested candidates should send a letter of motivation and a CV, along with a letter of endorsement from the biosphere reserve in which they are working and from the national MAB Focal Point or Committee in their country to the following email address:    Applications will be evaluated by GRÓ LTR and MAB Secretariat.  

Apply Here
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