The BIEA invites applications for funding for original research projects in any discipline in the humanities and social sciences in eastern Africa. Projects that fall outside of these disciplinary areas are not considered (for example, we do not fund projects in STEM subjects). However, projects in Africa beyond eastern Africa may be considered. We define eastern Africa as stretching from Sudan down to Mozambique, and Zambia across to Madagascar. We particularly welcome applications from researchers or research teams who have limited access to other sources of funds, and which engage with one or more of the following thematic areas. Priority is given to researchers based in the UK or eastern Africa.
The British Institute in Eastern Africa invites applications for funding for research projects that engage with one or more of the following thematic areas:
- Retelling the Past
- Changing Environments
- Urban Lives
- Technologies of Politics
- Next Generations
- Epidemics, pandemics and epizootics