The Neuropsychology International Fellowship (NIF) scheme was initially launched in 2011 by Professor Narinder Kapur, while he was President of the British Neuropsychological Society (BNS) and also a member of the executive committee of the British Psychological Society (BPS) Division of Neuropsychology (DoN). Previously, two NIF awards were made each year amounting to £1,000 each, with one award funded by the BPS Division of Neuropsychology and one by the British Neuropsychological Society. The awards were primarily intended to support neuropsychologists from developing countries to gain knowledge, skills and experience by spending some time in UK. However there was also an intention to allow a NIF fellow to travel to a developing country from the UK. The NIFs therefore allowed several fellows to attend a department of their choice in the UK to gain experience and knowledge in Neuropsychology, with the aim to bring back some of these skills going forward.
Eligibility Criteria
Postgraduate from different cultures such as Low- and Middle-Income countries wishing to further their neuropsychology and research experience in the UK or people from the UK wishing to develop neuropsychology as part of a field project in developing countries, abroad. We particularly encourage applications from candidates who are likely to be under-represented within neuropsychology, either on the basis of their ethnicity, or due to other factors including disability, sex, LGBTQIA+ status.
Offered Benefits
The maximum value of the grant is £4,000. This sum will be transferred to the host institution in the UK in advance of the visit, and the Sponsor will be responsible for arranging travel, accommodation and other expenses from this budget. Allowable expenses include participant costs for carrying out a behavioural study. All other expenses (e.g. any access costs for imaging. technical support, equipment and desk space) must be provided by the host institution.
Application Process
Only one application should be submitted by any applicant, with sponsorship support from a UK based Principal Investigator, within any 12-month period. All applications should be submitted using the portal below. The application deadline is Friday 30th June 2023, with a plan to take up the Fellowship between October 2023 and October 2024. Applicants at an early career stage will be encouraged to submit a high-quality proposal involving research in neuropsychology they plan to be involved in with a host institution support (specified by a supporting letter from their supervisor).
Required Documents:
- Sponsor's Letter of Support
- Applicant's CV (2 pages max)
- Sponsor's CV (2 pages max)