BIC Grant Opportunity for International Students in USA

The Bureau International des Containers (BIC) has decided to support graduate students from around the world in research projects by giving them a chance to fund their studies by participating in its Grant Opportunity. The grant will be awarded to researchers for the academic year 2023-2024. 

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The candidates who wish to win this grant must be undertaking research projects focusing on the core and mission of BIC, which is to promote safety, security, standardization, and sustainability in intermodal transportation. Winners can expect to receive as much as $30,000 towards their educational expenses. 

  • Award
  • Application Process
  • Clarity of Information



Wonderful offer for international students in the USA.Bureau International des Containers (BIC) is the only non-governmental organization linking all groups interested in containerization and intermodal transport, from carriers to manufacturers. It was founded in 1933 and is a neutral, non-profit, international organization with a mission is to promote the safe, secure, and sustainable expansion of containerization and intermodal transportation.

The Bureau of International des Containers (BIC) is appointed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) as the industry‡s global container prefix registry. This is a role further endorsed by international customs conventions. The Bureau aims to promote the safe, secure, and sustainable expansion of intermodal transportation by enabling professional dialogue amongst its members, standards bodies, governments, and other industry organizations.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Eligible Countries: U.S. students are eligible to apply. 
  • Eligible Course or Subjects:  Students can undertake graduate research for U.S. projects. 
  • Eligibility Criteria:  To be eligible, the applicants must meet all the following/given criteria:
  • The applicants must present a project addressing BIC‡s mission. 

Offered Benefits

The successfully selected candidates will be presented a Award valued at $30,000 by the BIC, which they can then utilize to cover costs of tuition support, technical assistance, purchase of technology, and travel for research. 

Application Process

  • How to Apply:  The candidates who wish to apply for this opportunity are required to send their documents to Dr. Elizabeth McNie at   to be considered. 
  • Supporting Documents:  The students are required to present the following documents to the university:
  • A proposal no longer than 1,000 words in length (not including supplemental material)
  • A letter of support (no longer than 200 words in length) from the applicant‡s advisor 
  • attesting to their ability to undertake the research
  • A Curriculum Vitae of all applicants
  • Admission Requirements:  The applicants must undertake research projects relevant to the theme and mission of BIC. 
  • Language Requirement:  The students must demonstrate fluency in English as it is the medium of instruction. 
Apply Here
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