Berlin Mathematical School - PhD Programme

The BMS offers scholarships, both for Phase I and for Phase II students, funded by the German Science Foundation DFG in the framework of the "Excellence Initiative" and by the three Berlin universities. The application for a scholarship can be included in the application for admission, there is a special section - no extra application materials are needed.

Eligibility Criteria

BMS Criteria for Awarding Phase II Scholarships

Approximately 25% of Phase II students will receive a BMS scholarship. Funding for all other Phase II students will come from the Certified Units, from third-party funding available to individual professors or from the departments’ budgets. All Phase II students are members of either one of the Research Training Groups (RTG); one of the two International Max Planck Research Schools (IMPRS); the DFG Research Center Matheon; the Collaborative Research Centre "Space, Time, Matter"; or one of the interdisciplinary projects. The BMS integrates these RTGs and IMPRSs as Certified Units, which guarantee advisors and suitable research environments for all Phase II students.
Students who complete the BMS Phase I program and successfully pass the Qualifying Exam must meet the following criteria to apply for a BMS Phase II scholarship:
1. Average of 1.4 or better in all Phase I courses
2. Grade of 1.3 in the Qualifying Exam
3. Statement from the future dissertation adviser describing the potential of the student and expectations for the dissertation. In addition, the statement must contain:
a. details on efforts to secure other means of funding
b. details of current applications for funding; and if necessary
c. an explanation as to why no alternative funding is available
4. Regular attendance of BMS events, such as BMS Fridays.
The decision for BMS Phase II scholarships are made by the BMS Executive Board. These scholarships are awarded based on the criteria listed above and the rules and regulations of the DFG, which includes the criteria of excellence and diversity. The Executive Board will also evaluate the student’s chances to secure alternative funding for the dissertation project at a later stage. BMS Phase I students, who meet the criteria mentioned above, do not need to submit an application through the BMS website. Instead they should apply to the BMS Executive Board directly with the documents listed below.

Offered Benefits

Typical Phase I are granted for 18 months (extendible by 6 months), and amount to at least 800 Euro per month, tax-free (no insurances included).

Phase II scholarships are typically granted for 24 months (extendible by 12 months), and usually amount to about 1468 Euro per month, tax-free (no insurances included).

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