Basic Sponsorship for Phd

Evangelisches Studienwerk Villigst takes on Christian responsibility for the world through providing scholarship systems for gifted students. Here Evangelisches Studienwerk believes that talent with particular intellectual and creative skills obligates such people to use their gifts in a social, future-oriented way and in open communal approaches. Our complex and highly contradictory society needs committed intellectuals and decision makers, who are able to combine specialist, interdisciplinary and political discernment.

Individual education and a willingness to ethically reflect upon the modern societal issues and knowledge developments are essential prerequisite for this. Evangelisches Studienwerk supports young people who are willing to face up to these challenges of the future in all fields of society in the Protestant tradition.

Please find more detailed information about our scholarships for students, doctoral students or students from Eastern European countries on the following pages.

Eligibility Criteria

Target Group

The Protestant Academic Foundation (Evangelisches Studienwerk Villigst) awards scholarships to students of all disciplines at universities and universities of applied sciences. The programme is aimed at applicants who would like to qualify in their subject and become active above and beyond their subject. Further prerequisites include membership of a Protestant Church, citizenship of a member state of the European Union and a university entrance qualification. University students must not have exceeded the fifth subject-related semester when the selection is made; students at universities of applied science must not have exceeded the third subject-related semester when the selection is made.

Application Requirements

  • Above-average achievements at school and, if applicable, in academic studies
  • Demonstrable commitment to social issues (e.g. church, politics, social work, environment)
  • Membership of a Protestant Church
  • Citizenship of a member state of the European Union
  • Qualification for admission to higher education
  • University students must not have exceeded the fifth subject-related semester when the selection is made.
  • Students at universities of applied sciences must not have exceeded the fourth subject-related semester when the selection is made.
  • For students in dual degree courses, the number of semesters in the subject started first is applicable.

Offered Benefits

of up to 597 Euros plus 300 Euros for study issues

Apply Here
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