Each year the Australian Bicentennial Scholarships and Fellowships Trust invites applications from Australian postgraduate students or academic staff members for Australian Bicentennial Scholarships and Fellowships tenable in the United Kingdom.
The objects of the scheme, as defined in the deed of Trust, are to ‘promote scholarship, intellectual links, and mutual awareness and understanding between the United Kingdom and Australia, in particular: a) to enable United Kingdom graduates to study in approved courses or undertake approved research in Australia; b) to enable Australian graduates to study in approved courses or undertake approved research in the United Kingdom; and c) to make allowance within the Scheme for disadvantaged persons.’
Eligibility Criteria
An applicant for a Scholarship must be registered as a post-graduate student at an Australian tertiary institution, or be eligible for such registration at a UK tertiary institution, and be usually resident in Australia. He/she should normally have at least an upper second class honours degree.
An applicant for a Fellowship should have a good post-graduate degree or equivalent experience, and should be seeking to further his/her education or professional experience but not through taking a further degree.
Candidates may be in any discipline, but they must demonstrate that there are special scholarly or practical advantages to be gained from a period of study in the UK, and that an appropriate host institution is available. Younger scholars are preferred, but while there is no formal age limit a scholar or fellow must be likely to be able to make a formal contribution in his/her field for at least ten years.
Offered Benefits
Each scholarship or fellowship will offer a grant of up to £4,000, and may be used to supplement other awards. Please note that preference is often given to applicants who can demonstrate that a Bicentennial grant will complete a guaranteed funding package for the whole degree or project.