Apply Now: UNESCO Learning City Award 2024 for Course

  •  Course
  •  31-May-2024
  •   Worldwide
  • $$  Varies

The UNESCO Learning City Award has been established to recognize and showcase good practices in promoting quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all at the local level. This triennial award is presented to cities in each of the five UNESCO regions that have demonstrated significant progress in learning city development by implementing the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities guiding documents. Only member cities of the UNESCO GNLC are eligible to apply for the UNESCO Learning City Award, which is valid for one award cycle.

Eligibility Criteria

The UNESCO Learning City Award 2024 is open to all UNESCO GNLC member cities with more than 12 months of membership in the network. Past awardees will not be eligible for the award for a period of six years following the receipt of a UNESCO Learning City Award. Consequently, the cities that received the award in 2019 and 2021, as well as those which joined the network in 2024, are ineligible this cycle. 

Offered Benefits

 The purpose of the award is to recognize and reward outstanding efforts and achievements in developing learning cities in communities around the world. It is awarded to cities that have achieved outstanding progress in promoting education and lifelong learning opportunities for all.

Application Process

To apply for the award, cities must:

  1. complete the award application form ( PDF,  Word) and provide any additional materials (articles, videos, etc.) in support of their application;
  2. ensure the award application form is signed by the city’s mayor;
  3. sign the consent form;
  4. send the application to their country’s National Commission for UNESCO.

Each National Commission for UNESCO can nominate up to two cities for the award. Guidelines and nomination form can be downloaded  here.

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