American University - Merit Scholarships for First-Year (Freshman) International Students for Bachelor

American University’s merit awards for international students are partial, not full, scholarships. They are highly competitive and based on a combination of outstanding academic achievement, excellent communication skills in English, leadership, volunteerism, and community service. No need-based financial aid is available to international students (non-U.S. citizens).

Important for first-year applicants who wish to be considered for AU’s partial scholarships:

Apply for the fall (August) semester, not spring. Fall application deadline is January 15. AU merit awards are offered only at the time of admission. There are nofurther opportunities for AU partial scholarships once you have begun your studies. No increases in scholarship amounts are available from year to year. The initial amount of your AU merit award remains constant for all four years of study. Your AU CFIS and bank letter must demonstrate that you have at least U.S.$59,780 available for your first year of study, even if you hope to qualify and receive one of AU’s competitive merit scholarships. Plan to have similar funding available for each additional year of undergraduate study (up to four years total).

Offered Benefits

Scholarships ranged from U.S.$6,000 to U.S.$25,000 per academic year. They are renewable for all four years of study based on successful continued academic performance.

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