AFD 2024 Social and Inclusive Business Camp (SIBC) for Young African Social Entrepreneurs for Course

  •  Course
  •  22-Aug-2025
  •   Africa
  • $$  Varies

The Social and Inclusive Business Camp is an acceleration program for innovative entrepreneurs with social and/or environmental impact in Africa, with a scaleup ambition to contribute to a fairer and more sustainable economy. Apply and join us

The program supports your work within 5 dimensions

  • DIAGNOSE | During this prelimnary section 0, each entrepreneur will question and challenge, individually and collectively, the social and/or environmental mission of her organisation, and will clarify her own vision and purpose, using dedicated approchaches, tools (Business model Canvas, Scale Me Up, etc.) and personalized follow-up. 
  • INSPIRE | Section 1 aims to encourage women entrepreneurs to explore living things principles and to draw inspiration from it into their entrepreneurship project (planetary boundaries, inclusiveness, cooperation). It will also dive into your position as an african woman entrepreneur, and explore available options to mobilise collective intelligence.
  • SPREAD | Good preparation for scaling up is an essential dimension and a crucial step to grow and sustain your project. Whether it involves expanding geographically, maximising your impact, or creating new partnerships, section 2 will provide insights to consider scale up trajectories, give access to specific tools to assess social and environmental impact over time, and strategies to communicate effectively about their project.
  • FINANCE | What financing needs do you have? Which instruments are available and from whom? How could your business model become more hybrid? What are the expectations of investors or donors?  All of these issues will be addressed in this section 3. 
  • COOPERATE | This last section is dedicated to developping you ability to pitch your project and to embark potential partners, investors or donors. Beyond the consolidation of your pitch deck and live presentations in front of professionals, you will also investigate innovative approaches to bring allies into your project and concepts around Commons.

Eligibility Criteria


  • Female-led structure (CEO or equivalent)
  • Private moral structure: companies, associations, support structures for entrepreneurship and cooperatives


  • Established in at least one country in Africa
  • Legally registered with the competent national authorities
  • Exist officially for at least 3 years

HYBRID ECONOMIC MODEL: Having an economic model is based on a whole or part commercial activity (sale of goods or services), which can therefore optionally integrate ‘subsidies’ for its balance

IMPACT MISSION : Have a social or environmental and/or environmental mission (demonstrated in the majority of activities and/or registered in the statutes)

GEOGRAPHICAL AMBITION: Your organisation has planned to develop its activity in new territories at the national or international level.

Will not be eligible:

  • Applications submitted by men
  • Individual applications (without legally registered structure)
  • Structures less than 3 years old
  • Structures NOT having a social and/or environmental mission,
  • Structures with NO business model, NO income generation, or only dependent to grant
  • Public and parapublic organizations
  • Structures at the project stage (without first income, prototype or proof of concept)

Offered Benefits

This hybrid acceleration program includes

  • 4-month e-learning & coaching using our dedicated plateform, with a mix of digital training ressources and interactive virtual classes with your peers and international experts.
  • 1-week intensive Bootcamp in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, to experiment transformational pedagogy and enhance your ability to take action.
  • Mentoring from an experienced entrepreneur, former participant to the SIBC program, with additional support from experts within your ecosystem or AFD Group.
  • Networking opportunities, becoming a member of an active community of +300 african entrepreneurs and connecting with investors and funders during the Bootcamp.

Application Process

Apply to this scholarship by clicking the `Apply` button below.
Apply Here
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