The African Union Internship Program provides an opportunity for interns to complement their educational experience and to develop their professional skills and experience through The AU internship program is a full-time engagement through which qualified individuals from diverse academic backgrounds are given the opportunity to gain professional exposure within the AU. As an organization which promotes respect for diversity and team work, we encourage all qualified individuals to apply. Applicants should have a keen interest in the work of the AU and demonstrate the ability to interact with individuals from various cultural backgrounds and beliefs.
The program aims to expose participants to the workings of the AU at an early stage of their professional career and strengthen their personal and professional skills. It provides an avenue for participants to gain hands-on experience in various applicable fields, while learning in an intercultural environment. The AU will further gain support from participants who possess adequate knowledge and skills in relevant areas and serve as a potential grooming ground for future African Leaders.
Offered Benefits
In general, interns assist in providing administrative and technical support for effective implementation of African Union programmes, projects and activities in its below Department/Directorates:
- Cabinet of the Chairperson
- Cabinet of the Deputy Chairperson
- Office of the Director General
- Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy and Sustainable Environment (ARBE)
- Economic Development, Trade, Industry, Mining (ETIM)
- Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (ESTI)
- Infrastructure and Energy (IE)
- Political Affairs, Peace and Security (PAPS)
- Health, Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development (HHS)
- Human Resources Management (HRM)
- Operations Support Services
- Management Information Systems Division
- Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
- Conference Management and Publications (CMP)
- Office for Safety and Security Services
- Citizens and Diaspora (CIDO)
- Medical and Health Services
- Financial Control Unit
- Office of Strategic Planning and Delivery
- Office of Internal Oversight (OIO)
- Quality Assurance and Control
- Ethics, Integrity and Standards
- Office of the Secretary to the Commission
- Office of the Legal Counsel (OLC)
- Office of Protocol
- Partnership and Resource Mobilization
- Women, Gender and Youth (WGY)
- Information and Communication
- Peace Fund Secretariat
- New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD)
Application Process
Go to African Union on to apply
Dear Candidates,
Thank you for your interest in the African Union. Please complete your profile using the African Union CV template.
Be aware that the use of the AU CV template is MANDATORY!!!! Kindly download the CV from the link below, fill and upload to apply for jobs.
- Download English CV here
- Download French CV here
Required Documents:
Applicants must submit the following supporting documents with their online application:
- A motivation letter indicating what they expect to gain out of the internship program
- A copy of valid passport or national identity card
- Certified copies of relevant academic certificates
- Current curriculum vitae (CV)
- Recommendation letter for internship from the institution of learning that they are attending
- Upon successful submission of their application, applicants will receive an email confirmation that their application has been successfully received.