2024 Prix Galien Africa For Pharmaceutical Researchers And Institutions/Industries Grants

  •  Grant
  •  31-Jul-2024
  •   Africa
  • $$  Varies

The Prix Galien Africa rewards excellence and innovation. It is awarded for products, services and initiatives that are highly convincing or promising in the field of innovative discoveries and therapies for the benefit of humanity.

It is intended to reward researchers, institutions and pharmaceutical industries from the public or private sector that have developed initiatives, services, pharmaceutical, biotechnological, herbal medicine, diagnostic products and medical devices recently introduced on the African market.

In keeping with the spirit of the Prix Galien Africa’s mission, one special distinction may be awarded per edition. It may be proposed by the Jury to the Honorary Committee and whose criteria are defined by the Jury.

Pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, phytotherapy, diagnostics, medical devices and digital solutions must be based on innovative science, or developed through synthetic chemistry or molecular biology or made naturally with plants according to specific criteria, specifications, tested in controlled clinical trials and marketed by ethical pharmaceutical companies.

The product or device initial marketing authorization (MA) must be valid for a maximum of five years as of December 31 of the competition year.

Eligibility Criteria

The Prix is open to researchers, institutions and pharmaceutical industries from the public or private sector, having developed pharmaceutical, biotechnological, herbal medicine, diagnostic products and medical devices, marketed in the countries of the African zone and having obtained Marketing Authorisation (MA), issued by at least one African pharmaceutical regulatory authority.

Pharmaceutical, biotechnology, phytotherapy, diagnostics and medical devices should be based on innovative science, developed through synthetic chemistry or molecular biology or made naturally from plants according to precise criteria, specifications, tested in controlled clinical trials and marketed by ethical pharmaceutical companies.

The product or device initial marketing authorization (MA) must be valid for a maximum of five years as of December 31 of the competition year.

Offered Benefits

Each prize is granted with a 20,000,000 FCFA (Twenty Million Cfa Francs) grant, or about 30,000 USD (Thirty Thousand US Dollars).

Application Process

Go to Prix Galien Africa on prixgalienafrique.com to apply
Apply Here
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