2017 International IGB Fellowship Programme for Research in Freshwater Science for Phd

Applications are invited for International IGB Fellowship Programme for excellent scientists from all countries and at different career, stages to apply for a research visit at IGB. Fellowships are available for PhD students, postdocs and senior scientists for 6-24 months.

The Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB) is a creative, lively and diverse place for conducting research and teaching. Scientists from a whole range of disciplines work under one roof at our Berlin and Neuglobsow sites.

Eligibility Criteria

The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the scholarship:

The type of fellowship applicable to your career stage depends on your qualifications at the intended starting date. Applicants must hold a Master degree or equivalent (PhD fellowships) or a doctoral degree (postdocs and senior scientists) in one of the research areas at IGB. Before submitting an application, please contact your potential host and develop a research programme in accordance with your host group. The following links may help to identify the best potential host to pursue your ideas.

  • Ecohydrology
  • Ecosystem Research
  • Experimental Limnology
  • Biology and Ecology of Fishes
  • Ecophysiology and Aquaculture
  • Analytical Chemistry and Biogeochemistry

Applicants currently residing in Germany are not eligible to the fellowship programme. Please, contact your potential host at IGB to discuss alternative funding opportunities for your planned research.

Offered Benefits

The fellowships provide resources to cover basic living expenses. They amount to 1,365 €/month at the doctoral level, 1,828 €/month at the postdoctoral level, and 2,600 €/month at the senior scientist level. In addition, some funds can be provided for consumables and travel allowances. The fellowships do not include health insurance, which is mandatory in Germany, nor contributions to pension schemes. Fellowships can normally only be granted if no other income is received during the fellowship period by employments elsewhere.

Number of Scholarships: Not Known

Application Process

Checklist for required documents

  • your CV, including a complete list of publications
  • certificates of your Master degree or equivalent, or of your doctoral degree, respectively
  • a letter indicating your research interests and experience (max. 1 page)
  • your proposed research programme at IGB (max. 1 page), including potential research host(s) and timeline.
  • two letters of recommendation to be (a) uploaded by the applicant to our application platform or (b) sent by the reference contact directly to Dr. Ina Severin (severin-at-igb-berlin.de, cc to co-at-igb-berlin.de)
Apply Here
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