2017 Global Excellence PhD Scholarships for Armenian Students, Abroad

The Global Excellence Scholarship offers a number of highly talented prospective students the opportunity to pursue a PhD degree. Up to four scholarships are available to Armenian students.

The objectives of the programme are to foster high-quality research and to build new collaborative linkages between Armenian researchers and global networks of innovation.

Established in 1956 as a Portuguese foundation for the whole of humanity, the Foundation’s original purpose focused on fostering knowledge and raising the quality of life of persons throughout the fields of the arts, charity, science and education.

Eligibility Criteria

Candidates wishing to apply for a Calouste Gulbenkian Global Excellence Scholarship for Armenian Students must meet the following requirements:

  • Be of Armenian origin
  • Be no more than 35 years old at the time of the application
  • Be currently admitted or already pursuing a PhD degree in an internationally recognized research institution of higher education, as a full-time student for the academic year for which the scholarship is being applied for (the award cannot be deferred)
  • Have a supervisor or an assigned committee
  • The Calouste Gulbenkian Global Excellence Scholarship for Armenian Students cannot be combined with another major grant received by the awardee.

Offered Benefits

Up to 50,000 USD per year, for a maximum of four years. Up to four scholarships will be provided per year.

Application Process

Application Documents

  • A copy of the candidate’s passport (main page with personal data)
  • Birth or baptism certificate, or an equivalent document attesting to the Armenian heritage, translated into English, if the original is not in English or French
  • Attested copies of university certificates and grade-sheets (last academic year), with grades’ clarification letter, translated into English, if originals are not in English or French
  • 2 letters of recommendation from (i) a professor in the applicant’s field and (ii) the supervisor
  • A complete research proposal with abstract (max. 5 pages), describing the research problem, the framework of the research, a description of the way in which the problem will be approached and the proposed research methodology, the scientific scope, a prospective time-line, as well as the theoretical and empiric sources used
  • A motivation letter (max. 1 page)
  • A full curriculum vitae including list of academic publications (if any)
  • Statement from the supervisor confirming the intention to supervise the candidate
  • A one-page statement as to how the candidate plans to contribute to the Armenian community during his/her studies or upon graduation.
Apply Here
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