10kreviews Internet Marketing scholarship for Bachelor

  •  Bachelor
  •  22-Dec-2019
  •   Canada, United Kingdom, United States
  • $$  $3800

We have decided to announce the scholarship for the undergraduate and postgraduate students to find out the creative minds so that they can avail our scholarship opportunity. We do not require any lengthy content from the participant but he must be clear about his idea. They can write on one of their favorite topics in the internet marketing domain. Participant must be in an internet marketing area and should have little experience in this area.

Eligibility Criteria

No other requirements other than:

  • A well written, at-least 800 words article on internet marketing is compulsory.
  • Write everything clearly so that people can understand your idea.
  • Tell us about your experience at the end of the article.
  • Which type of product you are marketing.

Offered Benefits

A winner will get $3800 reward.

Application Process

  • Send us an email following the subject: “10Kreviews Scholarship” – <name>.
  • Your full name at the end of the article
  • Your personal email address at the end of the article.
  • Your phone number.
  • Your School/college/University Address.
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