630 Grants and Non-Merit Scholarships

Grants and Non-Merit Scholarships

As you may already know grants are different from scholarships. When scholarships are usually merit-based or competition-based, grants are usually given to those who has a financial need or grants are directed for a particular area of study or group of people. One type of grants, like an enormous variety of federal grants from highly prestigious organizations like the NIH, the DOE, the NSF, the EPA, and NASA, are given for the schientific researches to groups of scientists working on a particular problem. Other type of grants like the Federal Pell Grant or the Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), are awarded based on the student’s demonstrated financial need. These grants typically come from the federal government, state governments and colleges and universities, but may also come from corporations, institutions and foundations.

There are actually just four main types of grant funding. We give descriptions and examples of competitive, formula, continuation, and pass-through grants to give you a basic understanding of funding structures as you do your search for possible sources of financial aid.

Competitive Funding - also known as discretionary funding, competitive funding is a process of proposal selection based on the evaluation of a reviewer or team of reviewers. Funding is based on the merits of the application, and recipients are not pre-determined.

Formula Funding. In contrast to competitive funding, formula grants are given to pre-determined recipients. Non-competitive awards are usually allocated to eligible entities according to population and/or other census criteria, and all applicants who meet the minimum requirements of the application process are entitled to receive money. In many instances, formula funds are distributed from the federal level to states. States then determine the process to be used to award funds to local jurisdictions.

Continuation funding grant programs offer current award recipients the option of renewing grants for the following year. Some programs are restricted to existing grantees only, while others invite applications from current grantees and new applicants. Often, current grantees are awarded extra points during the review process for being a current grant recipient. Since priority is often given to continuing applicants, if you are a new applicant, you should consider entering into a partnership with a currently funded entity.

Pass-Through grants are funds given by the federal government to the states for further distribution to local governments. Under this funding structure, states may disburse federal funds to eligible local jurisdictions through formula allocations or open competitions.

Where are you planning to study?
Financing Type:

British Council 2024 Biennials Connect Grants

This grant is for biennial and festival organisations to specifically support travel, artwork production, networking, professional development, skills building activities, or public programmes for artists such as residencies and events. Activity may ... more details

  •  Grant
  •  United Kingdom
  • $$  Varies

University of Lausanne 2025 Masters Grant For International Students

To have obtained  a foreign university degree considered equivalent to a Swiss university bachelor before the beginning of the masters programme at UNIL. To have distinguished yourself during your studies, especially through part... more details

  •  Master
  •  Switzerland
  • $$  CHF1,600

Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Discovery Grants Program

The program offers a total award of $750,000.00, allocated at $250,000 per year for three years.Indirect costs are limited to 10% of the total award value.... more details

  •  Grant
  •  Germany
  • $$  $750,000.00

SPI Exploratory Grants in Switzerland

The SPI Exploratory Grants offer financial support of up to CHF 75,000 per project. The grants cover costs including travel to polar regions, shipment of scientific equipment, and preliminary analysis of data or samples. The aim is to foster innovati... more details

  •  Grant
  •  Switzerland
  • $$  Up to CHF 75,000

AREF 2024 Essential Grant Writing Skills Program for African Students

Programme aim The Programme aim is to enable talented early-career health- and health-related researchers from countries in Africa to build skills to develop their own research and fellowship proposals of the quality required to win competitive inter... more details

  •  Grant
  •  Africa
  • $$  Varies

Postdoctoral Research Grants Academiae Belgicae in Italy

Fellowships Include:Free accommodation at the Academia Belgica in a private room with bathroom and shower during the requested period.An expense allowance of €750 per month during the requested period.A flat rate of €180 for travel expenses Belgium-R... more details

  •  Fellowship, Grant
  •  United States
  • $$  Six-month research fellowship

Austrian Government 2024 OeAD Ernst Mach Follow-up Grants For Developing Countries

Monthly grant Accident and health insurance If necessary. Accommodation Scholarship holders will receive a travel costs subsidy ... more details

  •  Grant
  •  Australia
  • $$  Varies

Bayer Foundation 2024 Research Grant for African PhD students

The maximum budget of the grant is EUR 7,000. This once-off Grant cannot be used to refund previous field work activities. The recipient of the Grant and her/his supervisor must both send a signed letter of acceptance and contractual agreement t... more details

  •  PhD, Grant
  •  Africa
  • $$  EUR 7,000

ETH4D Doctoral Mentorship Grants for Developing Countries 2024

The grant covers expenses up to a maximum of 15k CHF and includes the following: Economy roundtrip ticket (max. 2 kCHF) to and from Switzerland for the research stay Visa fees Travel allowance to attend an academic conference Research material (e.g.... more details

  •  PhD, Grant
  •  Switzerland
  • $$  Varies

Transport Accident Commission Small Grants Program, Australia

 Successful applicants will receive grants of up to $50,000 (GST exclusive) to fund their community-based projects aimed at enhancing the quality of life and opportunities for TAC clients and individuals with disabilities in Victoria. This initiative... more details

  •  Grant
  •  Australia
  • $$  Up to $50,000 (GST exclusive)

Internet Society Foundation 2024 BOLT Grant Program for Innovators Worldwide

Grants of up to USD 300,000 will be awarded for projects up to 18 months in duration.... more details

  •  Grant
  •  Worldwide
  • $$  USD 300,000

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Bonn University 2024 International Fellowships Grants For Researchers

The funding covers: A travel allowance (depending on country of origin) An allowance of €160 per day (up to 12 days including day of arrival and departure) Material expenses for events (up to €500 per proposal) When calculating costs, ple... more details

  •  Master
  •  Germany
  • $$  Varies

2024 Prix Galien Africa For Pharmaceutical Researchers And Institutions/Industries Grants

Each prize is granted with a 20,000,000 FCFA (Twenty Million Cfa Francs) grant, or about 30,000 USD (Thirty Thousand US Dollars).... more details

  •  Grant
  •  Africa
  • $$  Varies

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