505 Scholarship Essay Contests and Rewarding Competitions

Competitions and Essay Contests

We present a number of new fresh scholarship essay contests and creative competitions available if you like challenging tasks with rewards or you consider yourself to be a decent writer. Scholarships help provide financial relief to individuals who are unable to pay for their colleges and universities. If college seems unaffordable right now, below is a list of scholarship essay opportunities and rewarding competitions that are worth trying.

For the essay scholarships students are getting an opportunity to stand out based on their writing. You are evaluated by how you put your thoughts on paper and not on your GPA or community service. The essay competition represents an opportunity for creative students, those with good ideas and those capable of in depth research to stand out.

For the creative rewarding competitions you may need to show some of your outstanding skills in different areas of life such as sports, programming, arts, math, natural and special sciences. If you feel confident on any competitions presented here, do not hesitate to try them out!

Where are you planning to study?
Financing Type:

Search University Essay Contest

An author of the best essay will receive $2.000 for any educational expenses ... more details

  •  Bachelor, Master, Phd, Course, Contest
  •  United States
  • $$  $2.000

Rewarded Essays Writing Contest

Let’s talk prizes. When you enter our essay writing contest, here is what will happen: First, you will receive money toward your future education.Second, you will be entering a chance to win cash prizes First Place:          $500 Second Place:    $35... more details

  •  Bachelor, Master, Contest
  •  United States
  • $$  500$, 350$, 150$

BuyBackWorld.com National Scholarship Contest

The scholarship funds awarded are to be used for tuition and/or books only. Once a winner is selected, a check will be written to the recipient’s school of choice and credited for academic costs. The scholarship is non-renewable. BuyBackWorld.com wil... more details

  •  Bachelor, Contest
  •  United States
  • $$  $2,0000

Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard Scholarship Contest

To be eligible for an award in our essay contest, you must be: Be a U.S. citizen and permanent resident of the State of Illinois Must be a current high school student registered at an Illinois high school Additionally, you must: Verify you have re... more details

  •  Course, Contest
  •  United States
  • $$  $1000

Innovation Scholarship Essay Contest

1st Place – $2,500 2nd Place – $1,500 3rd Place – $1,000 ... more details

  •  Bachelor, Contest
  •  United States
  • $$  $5,000

Full-Tuition Scholarship Competition for International Students at University of Pittsburgh in USA, 2017

Pitt-Greensburg will award 3 full-tuition scholarships to freshmen students beginning their education in Fall 2017. The award will cover tuition only (in-state rate) for up to 4 years if the student meets renewal criteria of 3.5 GPA each academic yea... more details

  •  Bachelor, Contest
  •  United States

MIT - Zaragoza Master Essay Competition

The competition has one award consisting of 100% reduction in tuition for the ZLOG program, which currently amounts to € 24,000. The scholarship will not include other costs such as the administrative fee, living or travel expenses to Zaragoza or to ... more details

  •  Master, Fellowship, Contest
  •  United States

Public Engagement Competition 2015

Grand Prize Full scholarship for a bachelor's degree program at The New School for Public Engagement. The scholarship covers 100% of tuition and mandatory fees for all credits necessary for the student to complete his/her degree. Winner’s certifi... more details

  •  Bachelor, Contest
  •  United Kingdom

Institute of Horticulture Aberconway Medal Competition

The winner will receive the Aberconway Medal engraved with his/her name and the prize of £500. ... more details

  •  Fellowship, Contest
  •  United Kingdom

MBA Tuition Fee Waiver Competition at MIP Politecnico di Milano Graduate School of Business

MIP Politecnico di Milano Graduate School of Business if offering you the opportunity to compete for an MBA Tuition Fee Waiver. Show off your business and sustainability skills by taking the two challenges, writing a motivational statement and fillin... more details

  •  Grant
  •  Italy

Domus Academy Scholarship Competition

Would you like to kick-start your career in the design world? From product design to interior design, from car design to visual and interaction design, Domus Academy is giving you the opportunity to study in Milan, the world capital of design, with i... more details

  •  Grant
  •  Italy

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