505 Scholarship Essay Contests and Rewarding Competitions

Competitions and Essay Contests

We present a number of new fresh scholarship essay contests and creative competitions available if you like challenging tasks with rewards or you consider yourself to be a decent writer. Scholarships help provide financial relief to individuals who are unable to pay for their colleges and universities. If college seems unaffordable right now, below is a list of scholarship essay opportunities and rewarding competitions that are worth trying.

For the essay scholarships students are getting an opportunity to stand out based on their writing. You are evaluated by how you put your thoughts on paper and not on your GPA or community service. The essay competition represents an opportunity for creative students, those with good ideas and those capable of in depth research to stand out.

For the creative rewarding competitions you may need to show some of your outstanding skills in different areas of life such as sports, programming, arts, math, natural and special sciences. If you feel confident on any competitions presented here, do not hesitate to try them out!

Where are you planning to study?
Financing Type:

EMEND World Environment Day 2021 Writing Competition, Nigeria

Entries are expected from all students of Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria, except final year students.  ... more details

  •  Course, Diploma, Bachelor, Master, Contest
  •  Nigeria
  • $$  Varies

Win N100,000 + More: Nigeria Higher Education Foundation Scholarship Essay Competition 2021

The Grand Prize winner will be awarded ?100,000, a new laptop, 1 online certificate course*, a 1-year internet subscription** and 1 year of university tuition. The First Runner-up will be awarded ?75,000, a 1-year internet subscription** and 1 yea... more details

  •  Course, Diploma, Bachelor, Master, Contest
  •  Nigeria
  • $$  Various prizes

Recover Africa Youth Competition for African Youth

Recover Africa Youth Competition 2021 Categories The competition rides on 3 categories modelled against creativity and innovation: Photography Applicants can submit their experiences through photos. Such submissions should be accompanied by a vide... more details

  •  Course, Diploma, Bachelor, Fellowship, Contest
  •  Africa

Goi Peace Foundation International Essay Contest for Youth

The following awards will be given in the Children’s category and Youth category respectively: 1st Prize: Certificate, prize of 100,000 Yen (approx. US$900 as of March 2021) and gift … 1 entrant 2nd Prize: Certificate, prize of 50,00... more details

  •  Course, Diploma, Bachelor, Contest
  •  Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, South America
  • $$  Cash Prizes

African Union Continental Essay Competition, Africa

Winners will be awarded a certificate of recognition, featured on the Pan-African Young Leaders Program webpage and their ideas included in the Pan-African Young Leaders Training Manual... more details

  •  Course, Diploma, Bachelor, Master, Contest
  •  Africa
  • $$  Varies

EduGrant Monthly Essay Competition in Nigeria

The scholars will be awarded in the following manner: FIRST PRIZE: N50,000 SECOND PRIZE: N30,000 THIRD PRIZE: N20,000 ... more details

  •  Course, Grant, Contest
  •  Nigeria
  • $$  Up to N50,000

NIMASA World Maritime Day Essay Competition

First Prize: N500,000 Education grant plus a laptop and a plaque plus publication of the winning essay in NIMASA’s magazine, The VOYAGE, & the NIMASA’s website. Second Prize: N350,000 Education grant plus a laptop and plaque ... more details

  •  Course, Diploma, Bachelor, Contest
  •  Nigeria
  • $$  Varies

IREX Youth Excel Logo Design Competition - Win an iPad Mini + More

The first-place winner will receive a service contract to do further design work with Youth Excel and an iPad mini. The second-and third-place winners will receive an iPad mini. ... more details

  •  Course, Diploma, Bachelor, Master, PhD, Contest
  •  Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, South America
  • $$  Prizes

Contest: Nigerian Science and Technology Innovation Challenge

Encourage research and development (R&D) as well as local content development in Nigerian tertiary institutions. Facilitate the development of research-based, technologically-driven, innovative and profitable entrepreneurial ventures. Foster ... more details

  •  Course, Diploma, Bachelor, Contest
  •  Nigeria
  • $$  Varies

Contest: Win Free Tuition to York University

Free tuition for the first year - $7,038... more details

  •  Bachelor, Contest
  •  Canada
  • $$  Free tuition for the first year

DOW/YALI RLC Accra Design Competition for Sustainable Waste Management

The winning group will receive $10,000 to implement their challenge project/ idea. The award ceremony will be followed by a twelve-month mentorship period for finalists of the Challenge. Finalists will be assigned to mentors for this pe... more details

  •  Course, Diploma, Bachelor, Master, Contest
  •  Africa
  • $$  $10,000

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Unilever’s IdeaTrophy Bussiness Competition, Nigeria

Experience working on a real business challenge Mentorship from experienced business leaders Access to resource toolkit and problem-solving frameworks Exposure to Unilever sustainability initiatives Exciting prizes and internship opportunities ... more details

  •  Course, Diploma, Bachelor, Master, Contest
  •  Nigeria
  • $$  Exciting prizes and internship opportunities

Lafarge Africa Plc National Essay Competition, Nigeria

First Prize: N1,500,000.00, as well as books, branded school accessories such as school bags, water bottles, flasks and educational tablets, pre-loaded with educational content. Second Prize: N1,000,000.00, as well as books, branded school a... more details

  •  Course, Contest
  •  Nigeria
  • $$  Multiple

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