505 Scholarship Essay Contests and Rewarding Competitions

Competitions and Essay Contests

We present a number of new fresh scholarship essay contests and creative competitions available if you like challenging tasks with rewards or you consider yourself to be a decent writer. Scholarships help provide financial relief to individuals who are unable to pay for their colleges and universities. If college seems unaffordable right now, below is a list of scholarship essay opportunities and rewarding competitions that are worth trying.

For the essay scholarships students are getting an opportunity to stand out based on their writing. You are evaluated by how you put your thoughts on paper and not on your GPA or community service. The essay competition represents an opportunity for creative students, those with good ideas and those capable of in depth research to stand out.

For the creative rewarding competitions you may need to show some of your outstanding skills in different areas of life such as sports, programming, arts, math, natural and special sciences. If you feel confident on any competitions presented here, do not hesitate to try them out!

Where are you planning to study?
Financing Type:

African Union – European Union (AU-EU) 2022 Digital for Development (D4D) Blogging Competition

The author of the best blog will be invited to travel to Addis Ababa from 28 November to 2 December to attend IGF 2022. The costs to be covered by the AU-EU D4D Hub project include: Economy-class round ticket from country of origin to Addis Aba... more details

  •  Contest
  •  Ethiopia
  • $$  Varies

9mobile Essay Competition 2022 | Call for Application

 This year’s essay competition is exclusive to Senior Secondary School students in FCT, Abuja in collaboration with the FCT Education Secretariat.... more details

  •  Contest
  •  Nigeria
  • $$  Varies

UBA Foundation 2022 National Essay Competition for Nigerian Students (7.5 Million Naira in Prizes)

The first prize for the UBA National Essay Competition is a N3 million educational grant, while the second and third prizes are N2.5 million and N2 million in educational grants to any African University of their choice. ... more details

  •  Contest
  •  Worldwide
  • $$  Varies

ClimaTech Run 2022 Digital Artists Competition

Through DigitalArt4Climate, artists will be given the platform to showcase their artworks to help combat the climate change crisis. Top-voted digital artists will be awarded up to $5,000 for winning the competition in the first place, $3,000 for... more details

  •  Contest
  •  Worldwide
  • $$  Varies

Kokuyo Design Award 2023 International Product Design Competition | Up to ¥2,000,000 Prize

Grand Prix (one winner): ¥2,000,000 Merit Award (three winners): ¥500,000 Yokoku Award (up to twenty winners): ¥30,000 The contest organizer will pay expenses incurred by participants for travel and lodging (up to two individu... more details

  •  Contest
  •  Worldwide
  • $$  Varies

African Union 2022 Summit Essay Contest for Young Africans

1st Prize will receive: AUC issued Certificate Round trip from home country to the AU Summit on Industrialization and Economic Diversification in Niamey, Niger. Accommodation during the said Summit Present the essay to the Summit to lea... more details

  •  Contest
  •  India
  • $$  Varies

International Compost Awareness Week(ICAW) 2023 Poster Contest

The overall winner will receive a $500 prize. ... more details

  •  Contest
  •  Worldwide
  • $$  Varies

International Compost Awareness Week(ICAW) 2023 Video Contest

The winner of this contest will receive $100. ... more details

  •  Contest
  •  Worldwide
  • $$  Varies

European Commission Youth Essay Competition for International Students

The three finalists will win a chance to compete in a live final at the SME Assembly 2022, in November in the Czech Republic. They will also get presentation training before delivering the speech live on stage, and Their speeches will be promo... more details

  •  Contest
  •  Worldwide
  • $$  Varies

Lex:lead Essay Competition for Students in Developing Countries

Up to 15 US$500 awards will be made for the top-ranked essays Reserved funding 2022: • DLA Piper award for the highest-ranked winner from an eligible Asian country • Jerome Poitou award for t... more details

  •  Contest
  •  Worldwide
  • $$  Varies

UNESCO Patrimonito Storyboard Competition

The winner will receive a UNESCO certificate, and the winning storyboards will be professionally adapted into an animated film episode of the Patrimonito’s World Heritage Adventures series. The name of the creator ... more details

  •  Contest
  •  Worldwide
  • $$  Varies

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Faith Counts Film Contest

Two ways to win, three great prizes. Faith Counts judges will pick the Grand Prize winner and one Honorable Mention winner. The 10 finalist videos (announced after the first round of judging) will also be eligible for the Fan Favorite award, which wi... more details

  •  Contest
  •  Worldwide
  • $$  Win $20,000

IYMC Mathematics Competition for Students Worldwide

All participants receive participation certificates. The best students receive the 1st prize, 2nd prize, and 3rd prize with a cash prize of respectively $150 USD, $100 USD, and $50 USD (in both age categories). A successful participation allow... more details

  •  Contest
  •  Worldwide
  • $$  Varies

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